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Whether you are going up to the 95th floor of London’s famous landmark building, The Shard, or travelling downwards to an underground subway station in your local city, elevators are an integral part of modern constructions all over the world, providing convenient and efficient vertical transportation for people and goods. Over the years, elevator designs have evolved significantly, offering a wide range of options to suit different building types, architectural styles and user preferences. From classic and traditional design to futuristic and panoramic concepts, elevators inherently contribute to the overall aesthetics and experience of a building.
对于现代和当代建筑,电梯控制面板通常采用简洁的线条、简约的按钮和 LED 背光来营造未来主义氛围。对于古典或传统建筑,控制面板可采用复杂的细节设计、复古按钮以及黄铜或青铜饰面,与永恒优雅的室内装饰相得益彰。
These magical holographic experiences are achievable by using mirrored projection plates which redirect light emanating from a hidden LCD display to create a floating image of the panel or buttons. Interaction is then made possible when coupled with Neonode’s Touch Sensor Module, which uses invisible infrared lasers to detect ‘touches’ on the image when a user interacts with precise areas of the projected in-air interface.
利用 Neonode 红外技术实现现代全息电梯控制面板
巧妙地集成了 反射红外线技术电梯设计师可以让电梯的任何表面都具有互动性。Neonode 的 Touch Sensor Module可以提供一种快速有效的方法,利用红外线为非数字外墙提供反应灵敏、准确的交互式触摸功能。这些先进的传感器模块通过在所需表面投射不可见的光场,然后检测物体(如手指)进入活动区域时产生的任何光反射的 X 坐标和 Y 坐标,从而感知任何地方和任何物体上的触摸。触摸传感器模块的厚度仅为 3 毫米,因此可以隐蔽地嵌入电梯墙壁,投射到蚀刻玻璃、金属、木材甚至创意壁画等表面上。
艺术家彼得-戴顿设计的纽约香奈儿旗舰店华丽电梯示例 彼得-戴顿.图片来源
One great example of this is offered by Dewhurst, an independent and global supplier of high quality elevator components, who created an off-the-shelf retrofit solution called the Halo Touchless Car Operating System which is based on Neonode technology. It allows for extremely fast integration of touchless technology and with its standalone nature, is perfect for retrofitting with minimal aesthetic intrusion on existing designs. When placed beside pushbuttons or digital displays, the system actively monitors the area above the controls and is programmed to register calls when the user hovers their finger in front of the button.
Multimedia Contactless Elevator Panel by Dewhurst
通过与设计师、建筑师和电梯制造商的密切合作,我们在 Dewhurst 的合作伙伴最近为一些知名企业开发了一些奇妙的定制控制装置。例如,Dewhurst 为一家世界领先的豪华酒店集团开发了 Mayfair 按钮,该按钮在不锈钢银色图例板上结合了原色按钮和大胆的照明。在纽约,他们为第五大道上的一家豪华珠宝店开发了一款大理石大厅呼叫按钮,与品牌色彩和奢华感相得益彰;在伦敦,他们为一家私人拥有的隐藏式电梯车库设计了一款独特的按钮,该车库存放着客户的保时捷跑车。
In addition to bespoke physical designs, proptech experts can achieve even greater personalization by blending elevator controls with other smart digital systems. Just imagine an office building elevator that combined the information from personal access cards or facial recognition with corporate scheduling systems. The elevator could then be transformed into a digital assistant of sorts, where voice-overs greet individual passengers with messages like “Welcome Mr. Smith. Your next meeting starts in 5 minutes and is located in the corporate auditorium located on the twelfth floor. Transporting you there now”.
Innovative and well-designed elevators can often become the main attraction. Take the Bailong double-decker elevator in China for example, which scales 326 meters up a cliff face in the middle of Zhangjiajie National Park and holds the record for the world’s tallest, or the elevator in the Empire State Building that skyrockets passengers to the 86th floor in less than a minute.