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2023 年消费电子展上的 Holo Industries

在 2023 年消费电子展上体验人机互动的新境界


Holo Industries 将在 2023 年美国国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES 2023)上首次展示其颠覆性的全新全息触控技术(Holographic Touch™)。体验开创性的新技术,无需使用特殊照明、眼镜或头戴设备,即可实现反应灵敏的半空互动。

Experience a new dimension in Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) from our Parnter, Holo Industries, at CES 2023.

Holo Industries’ product line has expanded to include a dozen new formats, from a 100mm door entry system to a kiosk with a life-size holographic avatar.

Holographic imagery is provided by ASKA3D’s Holographic Plates. The precision plates, manufactured by Asukanet in Japan, combined with Holo Industries’ proprietary optics, software and Neonode sensors create Holographic Touch.

以下互动全息产品将与全息板一起在 CES 2023 的 9053 展台上展出。

  • 万事达商家系统:面向零售商的全息支付终端

  • 现代汽车娱乐控制台:现代帕利塞兹 SUV 全息娱乐控制台

  • 信息亭欧洲现代立体派设计,拉丝金属和木质全息亭

  • 医疗头像:与虚拟医疗招生代理联系

  • 赌博:用于赌场和家庭娱乐的交互式全息 rar-top 赌博系统

  • 轮椅入口系统:带音频的非接触式 ADA 全息轮椅入口系统

  • 住宅入口系统:用于非接触式入口的全息键盘

  • Asukanet 全息板:测试行业领先的精密印版的独特性能

Experience Holographic Touch and ASKA3D Holographic Plates at booth 9053, CES, Las Vegas Convention Center (Automotive & Smart Cities), on January 5-8, 2023. A representative from Neonode will also be available for questions in the booth.

关于 Holo Industries Inc:

Holo Industries is the inventor of Holographic Touch™, a disruptive technology that combines holographic plates, optics, sensors and proprietary software and hardware components to create highly responsive mid-air interaction. Holo Industries manufactures products in various sizes and form factors for the consumer, elevator, restaurant, banking, retail, hospitality, gaming, medical, automotive and aerospace industries. Holo industries is the technology partner and distributor of ASKA3D Holographic plates in Europe and North America.

关于 Asukanet Co.

Asukanet Co., Ltd. was established in 1995 in Hiroshima, Japan. Ahead of other companies, we have been involved in the innovation of photography, and has developed three businesses: the Photobook business, which enables on-demand printing from a single book; the Funeral business, which specializes in the funeral market; and ASKA3D, which aims to create a new market and realize dreams with its unique, unprecedented technology of holographic imaging.


Asukanet 的 ASKA3D 技术这是一种特殊技术,它通过玻璃或树脂制成的特殊面板 "ASKA3D-Plate",成功地在物体反面等距离的空气中形成真实的全息图像。这是一种全新的全息成像技术,与传统的全息成像和整体成像完全不同,我们已经获得了相关专利。作为数字标牌时代的最终输出,ASKA3D 将提供最引人注目的输出,敬请期待它的未来。