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For some people, this avoidance is not driven by cautionary consideration, but a compulsion caused by post-pandemic anxiety. Post-COVID hospital avoidance is especially true for those that associate trauma caused by COVID19 with medical institutions, whether it be their own experience or the thought of losing a loved one who was admitted during a very pestiferous time.

疾病预防控制中心 疾病预防控制中心估计有 41% 的美国成年人因担心 COVID19 而在大流行期间避免就医。另一项研究分析了全美约 100 万家医院的数据,结果显示 入院率较低但令人担忧的是,许多医院报告的急性病(如中风和急性心肌梗塞)入院率有所下降。研究还得出结论,由于担心传染而造成的广泛的不确定性和公众焦虑是急性内科疾病患者避免去医院就诊的主要原因,尽管他们的疾病是否危及生命。

Hospital Waiting Room


Responsible and conscientious hospitals and public health authorities around the world are now taking greater accountability in encouraging people that need medical assistance to seek help. This is where the adoption of ground-breaking holographic technology can assist.


Mobile medication and point-of-care computer carts are indispensable tools in the modern healthcare facility however, they can also be a vector for germs and other infectious agents. A recent study found that 43% of physical interaction between healthcare providers and their patients involve touching a patient and a mobile medical cart. Other research concluded that the average computer and laptop keyboard carries over 3.5 million colony-forming units per square inch. These studies, combined with the toll of healthcare-associated illnesses which drive the average annual US hospital budget to over $28.4 billion, highlight the importance of using touch-free devices.

HoloMed是由 Holo IndustriesHoloMed™ 是 Holo Industries 开发的全息插件系列,专为医用推车、病人监护仪和其他医疗产品而设计。安装后,HoloMed 将把传统的表面和触摸屏转化为全息显示屏,然后可以通过空中互动进行控制,从而通过几乎消除表面接触来保护病人和医院员工。由于无需接触共用表面,HoloMed 将有助于减少健康相关感染 (HAI) 的传播,并减少医院接触点带来的病人焦虑。

HoloMed Interface


This new Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is made possible with holographic touch, a transformative new technology that provides accurate and responsive mid-air interaction without special lighting, glasses, or headgear. Anything a user can do on a touch display such as an iPhone or iPad, they can now do in mid-air: touch, pinch to enlarge, zoom, scroll, or swipe – even with surgical gloves. Holo Industries, the creators of HoloMed, chose Neonode Touch Sensor Modules to enable the in-air interactivity as the light-reflective technology used in the sensors allows users to make multi-touch interactions with projected images, whether it be with fingers, gloves or pens.

Holo Industries 公司的首席执行官 Glenn ImObersteg 说:"在 Holo Industries 公司,我们深知保持医疗设备清洁、无病毒、微生物和其他传染性病原体的重要性。我们还知道,与任何表面进行互动的最安全方法是首先不接触它,"Holo Industries 首席执行官 Glenn ImObersteg 说。"仅凭这一点,我们就相信我们创新的无病原体全息触控技术和 HoloMed 产品最终将成为每家医院和诊所的标准配置。


View the full press release from Holo Industries.

关于 Holo Industries LLC

Holo Industries 是 Holographic Touch™ 的发明者,这项颠覆性技术结合了全息板、光学、传感器和专有软硬件组件,可实现高度灵敏的半空互动。Holo Industries 是交互式全息系统的开发商和供应商,其原型产品已在汽车、酒店、银行、医疗、零售和运输领域的许多主要财富 500 强公司中流通。


关于 Neonode 触摸传感器模块

全息技术全息技术使用镜面投影板来调整光线方向,从而产生浮动图像。将投影图像与我们的 触摸传感器模块就可以创建完全互动的空中全息图像。

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