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Neonode DMS,用于心智训练




The rules are changing, and for the better. Over the past several years new government regulations have been introduced in places like China and Europe to enhance road safety by mandating automotive manufacturers to install Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS) in new vehicles to detect driver drowsiness and distraction.

Driver monitoring systems use built-in cameras that focus on a driver’s face to capture signs of fatigue and send warnings to the driver to take a break when needed. Fatigue and distraction signals are detected using eye and facial tracking which are captured via the camera and then processed by the DMS which typically uses machine learning algorithms to identify, for example, if the driver yawns, closes their eyes or frequently blinks.

自新规定实施以来,汽车原始设备制造商一直在努力为新车安装 DMS 系统,以满足新规定的要求。在前 9 个月中 仅中国的就增加了 244%。很快,DMS 将像安全带和安全气囊一样普及。

DMS Dashboard Warning

在最初为满足新的合规要求而争得面红耳赤之后,领先的汽车制造商现在开始打破常规思维,扩大驾驶员监控技术的使用范围,在强制性的分心和瞌睡检测功能之外引入更多先进功能。然而,由于成本和生产时间的增加,这些额外功能往往仅限于高端车型。在 Neonode,我们认为驾驶员安全应该是所有驾驶员都能享受到的福利,因此我们正在帮助汽车制造商升级到快速、灵活、完全可扩展的通用 DMS,以适应定制和未来的功能,包括快速实施空中下载售后市场附加功能的能力,从而使汽车更长久地保持现代化和安全。

Neonode’s third-generation driver monitoring solution is camera and position agnostic, so it can easily be integrated with any existing cabin designs regardless of vehicle type, camera placement or lens type. Better yet, new features – no matter how atypical or complex – can be built, tested and implemented with our patented MultiSensing® technology in just a matter of days. With our exclusive machine perception methodologies, our software goes far beyond simple eye and facial tracking – we train our algorithms to determine emotion, cognitive state and driver intent using pixel perfect synthetic data, allowing manufacturers to design DMS safety features that are diagnostic, individualistic and creative - all of which can contribute to the vehicles competitive differentiation strategy.




But some other surprising statistics show that drivers are quite likely to be distracted by their own thoughts. Daydreaming was noted as the number one reason for loss of concentration while driving by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which accounted for 65% of fatal crashes classified by the institute under preoccupation.

那么,我们如何利用 DMS 来确保人们梦想中的汽车不会给他们带来噩梦呢?

虽然我们可以在一团酱汁溅到驾驶员腿上之前检测到某人是否在吃汉堡包,但我们还无法解读某人在想什么(谢天谢地)。但有了 Neonode 的MultiSensing 技术,我们就可以通过眨眼频率、凝视固定和无意识面部表情等物理队列来推测一个人是否在做白日梦。如果你真的想知道白日梦是好是坏,我们或许可以通过判断他们如何抿嘴或移动嘴巴来判断。


Doors. No, we are not talking about the 1960s rock band, but car doors that are opened into the path of other road users such as cyclists. This act has been reported to make up 19.7% of all reported bike crashes in some US states, and is so common worldwide that it even has its own verb: dooring.

通过使用 Neonode 的 DMS 系统分析预测行为,可以预先阻止驾驶员可能采取的某些意图或行动。通过将车辆发出的不同信号与驾驶员的身体动作相结合,可以推断出 "下车 "这一简单的意图,例如,汽车停止和/或熄火、安全带未系、驾驶员或乘客伸手去拉车门把手。然后,可以对 DMS 进行配置,以便在自行车驶近或停车制动器未打开时发出警告。


A driver who is not focused due to emotional stress is less likely to pay attention to road and traffic conditions. In fact, according to the Future of Safety Research Study from General Motors, drivers are almost ten times more likely to get into a crash if they drive in a highly elevated emotional state. This is especially true for those that have lost that loving feeling, to reference some more1960s pop music, because divorce tops the charts as the reason for car accidents occurring due to emotional stress. Research shows that the risk of a traffic accident quadruples during a divorce or separation. Oddly, it works the other way around too: getting into a car accident can lead to divorce. According to divorce lawyers, the stress, financial problems or even dealing with personal injury can make even strong relationships less tenable. Yikes.




即使是世界上最优秀的驾驶员,也可能在驾驶过程中突发疾病。然而,利用 DMS 为已知病症患者设计车载检测功能,可以通过让车辆询问 "你还好吗?"来提高安全性,减少高风险驾驶员的焦虑。

When looking at three common ailments relating to traffic accidents, statistics have shown that diabetic events are behind 20% of crashes, heart attacks account for an additional 11% and drivers with ADHD are 37% more likely to get into a crash, especially in the first 4 years of having a license.


In-vehicle Medical Safety

当然,嗜睡检测仍然是驾驶员监控系统的一个重要组成部分,但很明显,扩展功能以解决更多的非常规问题,可以大大提高道路安全和驾驶员的注意力。我们相信,通过解决各种分心问题、监控认知状态和预测驾驶员意图,DMS 可以为创造更安全的驾驶环境和更好的汽车做出贡献。

高级驾驶员分心警告系统 (ADDW) 法规

想了解有关《欧洲驾驶员监控条例》(EU)201972144 的更多信息?下载欧洲议会发布的解释性备忘录。

下载 DMS EU Regulation 2019/2144