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Regardless of whether you are creating the next in-store experience for retail customers, or designing interactive menus a fast-food restaurant, Neonode provides the future of interaction for creating memorable wow-factor experiences for customers.
In today's fast-paced world, where customer experience can make or break a brand, Neonode stands at the forefront of innovation for next-level customer experiences. Specializing in interactive contactless touch and holographic solutions, we empower retail and hospitality sectors to deliver unparalleled service while creating a memorable "wow" factor for customers. From high-end luxury boutiques to global fast food chains, our cutting-edge technology is redefining how brands connect, and stay connected, to their customers.
And we don’t stop there. Our advanced facial recognition software takes personalization to the next level, enabling real-time identification of satisfied customers and curating tailored in-store experiences. Discover how Neonode’s solutions are shaping the future of customer engagement across customer-centric industries worldwide.
数字信息亭和自助服务机在零售业和酒店业都发挥着重要作用,能让顾客快速获取信息、下订单、购买商品和完成其他任务。但并不是所有的自助服务终端体验都是一样的:好的数字自助服务终端会让人愉悦,而差的自助服务终端体验则会让人沮丧。使用 Neonode 的全息或非触摸界面,让您的下一个信息亭使用起来更加愉悦。请参阅以下示例;
升级结账体验,实现轻松、卫生的互动。Neonode 技术让顾客轻松完成购买,帮助零售商增加收入和人流量。更妙的是,自助收银机可让零售商节省宝贵的地面空间,让员工腾出时间为顾客提供更好的现场服务。
销售点 (POS) 系统
实现 100% 非接触式支付,不影响卫生。许多 POS 系统都配备了 NFC 功能,可以实现非接触式读卡。然而,当顾客输入密码时,非接触式支付体验就结束了。粘乎乎的数字键盘或污迹斑斑的触摸屏可能会令人反感。全息和非接触式 POS 系统可让用户在完成购买时避免表面沾污。
万事达卡提供全息针垫支付新方式(链接到 Holo Industries)
个性化广告的投资回报率要高得多,但由于以前只有在线平台才能使用,因此线下商店还没有认识到在店内使用个性化广告的好处。现在,Neonode 的MultiSensing 技术通过对人和偏好的识别,将线下广告带入了个性化的新时代。通过基于摄像头的场景分析,可以根据个人的性别、身高甚至情绪等人口统计学特征显示有针对性的内容。